Technology and influencer marketing go hand in hand. Today's social media bring influencers closer than ever to their public.

In today's world, people are an extremely accessible way of trusting any Joe Schmoe off the street telling them to buy the latest gadgets.

Influencers, however, can gain the trust of their audience and recommend some of the best products and services.

Big industries are pairing with influencer marketers because of this. Here are some ways that technology is helping to support and grow influencer marketing as an industry. 

Accessibility and Freedom

Social media influencers use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach their audience. To reach their target audience for the brand they are promoting, they will need to post during peak times.

Anyone who wants to have a life, however, isn't going to want to be attached to their phone or computer all day.

Thankfully, there are software programs that allow influencers to schedule posts when their audience is most likely to engage with them. This can be done across almost all social media platforms. 

What this does is bring the content to their audience in an extremely accessible way. Not only is it highly engageable, but it also allows influencers the freedom to do other things while being present on social media.

Most influencers can hire people to run their social media accounts for them and pay good money for social media management. 

Build Trust with Your Audience

Perhaps the most significant way in which technology supports influencer marketing is that it builds trust with your audience.

Video social platforms like YouTube are great when it comes to establishing that trust. Your audience can get a feel for you visually, which goes a long way towards valuing your suggestions.

Not only is YouTube a great platform to build trust, but it is also an excellent platform for influencer discovery.

Because their algorithm recommends content that is like what you've already viewed, discovering new influencers is easier than ever.

It's much more challenging to find new people with platforms like Facebook, for example. Videos are the most effective form of influencer marketing technology right now to connect people with their audience, build trust, and see engagement. 

More Effective Advertising

When it comes to digital marketing, influencer recommendations can be an extremely effective form of advertising.

They can have a ridiculously high ROI with reporting as much as $6.85 made for every $1 spent.

Paid media can be expensive with high cost-per-click for popular keywords. With influencer marketing, however, payment can take many different forms.

Some influencers prefer services or perks as forms of payment, while others will seek monetary compensation. 

Social media has given influencer marketing campaigns a broad audience and ways to engage with them on a personal level.

This technology has broadened the scope regarding the people they can reach. More big brands are choosing to advertise with influencers instead of using traditional advertising methods because they know they can reach 20 million people. 

Drive Sales (Almost) Effortlessly

It's not just YouTube media that drives sales. People can also shop on Pinterest and follow products on other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.  

These platforms allow influencers to spread awareness about new products and services. Recent studies found that people trust influencers they follow on social media about as much as they trust their friends.

This results in 40% of followers reporting that they've made purchases based on recommendations of influencers they follow. 

This is particularly effective when people are researching a product they are considering buying. People want to know how the product works, what other people think, and if they would recommend it.

Or, if they don't recommend it, what they would choose instead. By meeting people where they already are - on social media - and giving them the answers to these questions, people are more likely to buy these products and services. 

Influencer marketing wouldn't be the force that it is without technology behind it. If there weren't ways to stay present online without actually being online, influencers wouldn't be able to live their lives.

Technology helps engage audiences, build followings, and drive sales. Without technology supporting influencer marketing the way that it does, it wouldn't be as effective at driving brand awareness and directing traffic.