In today’s world, social media matters. A study discovered that 54% of those who access social platforms use them to research potential purchases.

Internet sellers are taking notice. Research shows 73% of merchants who sell using social media platforms have seen significant improvements to their business bottom lines.

As revolutionary as social networks are to the marketing world, there is also have a shadow side. In the world of today’s Internet, humans are continuously bombarded with information.

The human brain is changing because of repeated exposure to nonstop stimulation. One of the reactions humans have to the plethora of ways to stay in contact and to be informed is increased anxiety.

Social media marketers who spend hours on various platforms researching and communicating are prone to feeling overwhelmed by it all. If you are wondering how to take a social media break, here are eight ways to avoid burnout.

1. Move Around

Arise from your seat. Shift your body, and your mind will follow. Avoid spending many hours sitting at the computer, especially if you are dealing with tense matters and angry customers.

Move around at least every 30 minutes, even if it is to make a cup of tea. A quick walk outside is a great way to shift your perspective. Nature is good for your mind and your outlook.

2. Organize Your Time

Rather than rushing from one task to another and then back again, arrange your time in specific blocks of work, allowing some flexibility for the unexpected.

Try to set aside one hour for groups of work such as:

  • Publishing fresh content on social networks
  • Reviewing posts and mentions and communicating with customers
  • Scheduling future posts for publication

Social media management is essential if you are to get the most out of these platforms without feeling besieged.

3. Take Advantage of Your Biorhythms

Schedule work tasks according to your individual strengths. If you are most creative in the morning, for example, write new content then. Save the afternoon hours for more mundane tasks not requiring artistic zeal.

4. Take Time Off

While social media is a great boon to your marketing strategy, you cannot let it take over your life.

Workism has become a new religion for many, though its fruits are empty and bleak. While work is important, take time off.

All will be well. Go on holiday or schedule a large block of time away from social networks. Develop a hobby you care about and enjoy. Feeding a personal passion is an excellent way to leave the stressful business world behind.

5. Use Management Tools

Keeping up with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social networks is a time-consuming job.

Even if you sat at the computer nonstop, the unceasing flow of information and connection that is today’s internet would get ahead of you. Take advantage of social media management tools.

These platforms make it easy for businesses of all sizes to organize and stay current with multiple social networks.

6. Do Not Compare

This goes against cultural practices, but your business will not benefit from continually checking on your competition.

In fact, it may suffer because doubt will start to creep in and wear away confidence. Stay apprised of competitors but avoid continually evaluating your progress against theirs.

7. Remove Work Apps

While you may feel tempted to carry your work with you everywhere by having apps on your personal phone, doing so may not help you in the long run.

If you do this, you will never really feel you can take time off and rest both mentally and physically.

8. Go to Sleep

Sleep is not only important for work productivity but also good health. Turn off the computer and step away from work at a set time.

Establish a soothing evening routine, and power down electronics at least half an hour before turning in.

Besides feeling more alert, adequate sleep helps you feel more relaxed, even during stressful situations.

The Bottom Line on Burnout

As the 14th-century proverb says, too much of a good thing, and this is true of managing social media accounts.

The bottom line is that you must strike a balance between productivity and downtime. When you give yourself time away from pressures and duties, you create space for enriching your life and soul. This benefits you, those you love, and your business—not a bad deal.