Social media seems to be everywhere. The rise of these platforms has brought about the social media influencer.

Another highly popular medium is that of podcasts, and the number of podcast influencers is growing.

These broadcasts discuss a wide variety of subjects. If you are already a social media influencer, or if you have a podcast, why not combine the two and develop an influencer podcast?

How To Come up with Podcast Content

To have a compelling influencer podcast, you need engaging content. There are great sources all around you.

  • Pay attention and collect stories from your day-to-day life.
  • Talk about the challenges you have recently overcome.
  • Invite a guest on for a dialogue.
  • Share a list of your favorite things.
  • Discuss a book you have just read.
  • Go out and meet your audience, talking and sharing with individuals.

There is an abundance of content available for podcast content. The key to success is to understand who your listeners are.

From this knowledge, you can choose and develop topics most relevant to your audience. This is not to say you cannot offer them content that might stretch their perspectives a bit. But you must deliver relevant messages on subjects they care about enough to listen.  

This is what influencers do. Here are seven strategies for becoming a podcast influencer.

1. Create With Passion and Knowledge

There is a social media influencer podcast called The Influencer Podcast. It features interviews with successful bloggers, influencers, and elite marketers discussing how they manage their social presence and engage with their audiences.

Julie Solomon is the host of the podcast. She is a business coach, marketing strategist, and respected publicist.

This is an excellent illustration that the best podcast for becoming an influencer covers a subject that you first are passionate about and understand.

Honesty and knowledge can help you become a valued influencer.

2. Make Eye-Catching Cover Art

Even though you may think of a podcast as something people listen to, which it is, you need excellent influencer podcast cover art.

This is the first way listeners will connect with your podcast, so you want to make a lasting, positive impression.

Podcast cover art has specific dimension requirements, and there are best practices for creating and using it.

Take time to make attention-grabbing cover art so your offering will stand out when people are scrolling down lists of available podcasts.

3. Share Audience Comments and Questions

As an influencer, your effectiveness comes from how much people relate to you, value you, and believe what you say.

Engage with listeners more by sharing comments and answering questions during your broadcasts.

4. Focus on Building a Tribe

When it comes to success as an influencer on today’s busy internet, do not put all your energy into becoming popular. Instead, focus on creating a connected tribe.

5. Keep Content Consistent

When you are posting on other social media about your podcast, stay true to your message. For example, if your podcast is more lighthearted, do not generally discuss distressing world events in your Facebook posts. You are trying to build an audience, not confuse people.

6. Apply New Knowledge

Read books, follow blogs, listen to other podcasts that relate to the direction you want to go, and apply what you have learned to what you are doing.

7. Focus on Others

Work on improving yourself so that you can help members of your tribe who may be dealing with the same challenges.

Do your best to honestly help others rather than focusing on what you can get out of being a podcast influencer.

How To Promote Your Podcast

Once you have some topic ideas and have created several episodes of your influencer podcast, you need to think about promotion. There are multiple ways to promote your show.

  • Approach people you mention.
  • Ask your audience to subscribe, leave reviews, and share your broadcast.
  • Submit your podcast to directories and aggregators called podcasters.
  • Turn your podcast into a YouTube video, and turn that video into clips.

Get creative in promoting your podcast. With so many available mediums now, you can quickly spread the word to those most likely to be interested.

Starting and growing your podcast can help you become an influencer, but you need more. You need the mindset of presenting relevant information based upon personal knowledge about a subject important to you. This helps you give listeners something valuable so that everyone wins.