Digital marketing is the key to success for your online storefront and even your business. People shop online, meet, and greet others digitally, and even look for advice.

You need a strong online presence that defines your brand. Social influencers have become a significant asset for marketers who want to establish themselves on the internet.

Social media influencers already have an engaged online community. They can help you increase brand awareness, carve out a brand image, and raise the interest that could drive sales.

If you have heard of these valuable personalities but have delayed working with them because you are wondering how to negotiate with influencers, do not miss out on the benefits any longer. Here are seven insightful tips for negotiating with influencers.

1. Take Time to Investigate

Research before approaching any influencer. Working with the right influencers can help your brand but working with those who are not suitable matches can harm it.

This examination should include determining influencer authenticity, which has multiple indicators.

  • Lively nfluencer engagement rate that includes regular and frequent follower comments, likes, and shares
  • Number of followers holds steady and gradually increases over time
  • Regular postings of original copy over time
  • Consistent values hold over time

Exploring influencers’ backgrounds helps you find good matches for your brand’s values and the image you want to build.

This makes your approach organic and straightforward. Sharing content and relationship building will come naturally with the right influencers.

2. Create a Foundation of Respect

Begin your relationship with influencers by first making respectful comments on their posts. This will let them know your name and find out you are interested in them and their content.

When you have this foundation of respect in place, you can then send them a friendly but professional email proposing a business affiliation without coming from out of the blue.

3. Offer a Longer-Term Association

Influencers are more likely to charge higher fees for short-term connections. If you propose a long-term partnership, however, the influencer may consider accepting lower payments.

4. Determine Compensation

While you must stay within your budget, you also need to meet the influencer’s interests with appropriate compensation.

Depending upon your marketing campaign aims, you could offer a fixed price for each post or opt for an affiliate commission fee.

The type of fee you choose depends upon multiple factors, including the type of content you want.

Since social media management will be part of an influencer campaign, different social channels call for varying fees. You also must consider how much content you want the influencer to produce.

5. Include Deliverables and Expectations in Proposal

Include specific details in your proposal to an influencer. Be clear about how much work you want and what metrics you will measure for a specific campaign.

For example, you could propose pricing based on engagement rates, with lower pay if engagement rates drop.

Determine these details before you make a proposal to an influencer. Your influencer research will help you, as will your business plan.

6. Offer Perks

Even if your marketing budget is limited, you can still work with influencers. Consider offering an influencer perks as part of the payment package.

Your influencer research will help you find creative compensation offers. When you know what motivates an influencer, you can come up with ideas for personalized perks.

Some influencers may give you lower fees in exchange for access to events and free samples. Other influencers may appreciate free flights, food, merchandise, or hotel rooms.

7. Be Ready to Bend a Bit

Just as forming a relationship with an influencer is outside the norm for traditional suit-and-tie business practice, your negotiations must be just as flexible and creative.

You should offer influencers details and be clear about your specific expectations, but you also must be ready to listen to their demands and allow those that are reasonable.

One point you should always emphasize, however, is that influencers working with you must follow FTC guidelines for sponsored posts. Do not back down from this point.

Forming Healthy Partnerships

Working with influencers can bring your brand important benefits. Always remember, though, that you need to be ready to meet influencers’ needs also.

A successful affiliation will benefit both parties. With some planning and creativity, your influencer-driven campaign can be a popular internet promotion—and even go viral.