Influencers can help your brand stand out from the crowded field of competitors. Their authentic sharing and opinions reach consumers who generally ignore the noisy jumble of company-based product messages.

Working with the right influencers can help you organically build a strong brand reputation online.

Well-executed campaigns may bring success. However, working with influencers is complex. Here are ways to avoid seven common mistakes in influencer marketing campaigns.

1. Plan Thoroughly

Many digital marketers jump into an influencer relationship prematurely without proper research and planning. To have a successful influencer campaign, make decisions on crucial factors before even approaching any influencers.

  • Factors you will use to determine ROI—examples include organic traffic, click-throughs, views, and revenue
  • Length of campaign
  • Overall budget
  • Campaign objectives—examples include brand awareness or purchases

Thorough planning helps you avoid wasting time and money. Good planning and research also help you find the right influencer for your niche.

2. Do Not Limit Channels

Different social media influencers work on all the various channels, and some have multiple outlets.

Do not limit your influencer marketing to just one channel. Look at where influencers are most successful with their unique voices and content and plan your campaigns around what is already working well.

Choosing influencers on different channels can help you expand your reach to new audiences since people gravitate to various channels.

For example, if you already have a presence on Facebook, look for Instagram influencers to broaden your reach and share your message with a new group.

3. Focus on More Than Follower Counts

Some marketers think the top influencers for their campaigns are those with the most followers. However, this is not necessarily so.

You must examine each influencer’s situation. While follower counts matter, engagement rates are just as important.

If an influencer with a large follower count but those people are only mildly interested in that influencer’s content, you will not do your brand much good by working with that personality.

A micro-influencer with fewer than 10,000 followers who has an excited audience that is passionate and interested might better help you reach your marketing goals.

4. Choose Your Influencers Carefully

When planning an influencer marketing campaign, take time to research influencers who interest you. Working with the wrong influencers could harm your brand rather than help it.

  • Influencers should fit seamlessly with your values and aesthetics.
  • Ensure influencers are legitimate by looking for gradual follower rises and regular posts of original content over time.
  • Consider if an influencer’s followers have an interest in your niche.
  • Look for active engagement through shares, comments, and likes.

5. Be Willing to Commit

If you find an influencer who fits all of your criteria and who has helped you meet your marketing goals for a campaign, do not sigh and start looking for a new influencer, hoping everything will work out just as well.

If a particular influencer works well for your brand, consider forming a long-term relationship with that person. All the hard research is already done. You can feel more secure about future campaigns and ROI.

6. Collaborate

For an influencer marketing campaign to be successful, you must collaborate with an influencer rather than assume you are in charge and that you own them.

Influencers have unique voices their followers’ value, which is why you want to work with them in the first place. Share creative efforts with them. Exchange ideas and be willing to turn over the reins sometimes as part of the plan.

Be sure, though, that all sponsored posts from influencers meet FTC regulations. All parties should agree to this.

7. Measure the Outcome

Perhaps surprisingly, some marketers fail to analyze the results of influencer marketing campaigns. Do not make this mistake.

There are many analytics tools to help you measure various aspects of a campaign. You also should have programs in place before the campaign begins to help with measurements.

For example, if you are measuring click-throughs, you need to know how many clicks result from that influencer’s messages. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the just-finished campaign helps you fine-tune your strategies for the next one.

Successful Partnerships

Working with influencers can take your marketing efforts to the next level and boost your brand. However, you must plan carefully before you can enjoy success.

By avoiding common marketer mistakes regarding influencer campaigns, you are on the way to marketing achievements.