The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has changed many aspects of modern life. People cannot go out to shop, socialize, worship, or learn.

Uncertainty and even fear have taken hold, and many people want comfort and reassurance in different forms.

For digital marketing campaigns, this translates into shifts in strategy. You need to respond to the needs of your customer base now, during this crisis.

Here are ways to reach your target audience while they are stuck at home.

Publish a Blog

Blogs are valuable digital content for several important reasons, including:

  • Establishing a brand voice and digital persona
  • Setting yourself up as an expert
  • Connecting to social media outlets with valuable information

You can use a well-written blog to tell consumers how your products and services can solve specific problems.

Through a carefully crafted blog, you are not selling your goods and skills. You are selling a solution.

During these uncertain times, people want to hear about answers and ways to solve problems. They want confidence and clarity. Blogs are excellent venues for delivering these qualities to the public. 

Be Active on Social Media

Your digital marketing strategy probably involves a presence on social media. If it does not, it should.

While blogs can help you build relationships, social media marketing helps you maintain and grow them.

With many people staying at home now and unable to shop or work out in person, they look more than ever to the internet for connection.

If you are on at least one social media platform, you can connect with the public in invaluable ways such as:

  • Posting live product demonstrations
  • Publishing question and answer sessions
  • Posting exercise videos
  • Regularly responding to comments, questions, and complaints in a professional but friendly manner

People’s priorities have changed along with their lifestyles. Children and possibly spouses are at home, with the entire family cooking and eating, learning, and relaxing together. People want realistic posts and information that reflect their new realities.

Send Focused Direct Marketing

Keeping your loyal customers is vital to staying afloat during the pandemic. However, you would do well to also track and market to people who visit your website, thus showing an interest in your services or products.

Specialized services such as Leadmtch can help you identify anonymous site visitors so you can target those people with relevant direct mail pieces. People who are interested in what you are selling are part of your target audience.

Invest in Paid Ads

During the pandemic, increasing numbers of people are logging onto various social media platforms and scouring the internet daily.

To take advantage of these new habits, invest in paid advertising geared toward your target customers, especially your current customers.

And also to those who show interest in your merchandise or services. There are many types of paid ads, including:

  • Display ads
  • Video ads
  • Pay per click
  • Pay per view

Paid ads let you efficiently target specific groups and interests, which can help your ROI.

Market Relevant Items to Essential Workers

Depending on your niche, if you sell items or services that could make a life for busy and tired essential workers a bit easier, reaching out specifically to them should be part of your marketing strategy. Some industries that are pertinent to this group include:

  • Makers and sellers of PPE
  • Meal delivery services
  • Makers and merchants of household staples

These people work long hours and put their own health at risk daily to keep society operating. They care for the sick, deliver mail, work in warehouses, and stock grocery shelves.

All the items people order must be picked and packed by somebody. Focusing on providing goods and services that essential workers can use is not only a way to strengthen your bottom line but can also be a form of service to these extraordinary people.

Pandemic Marketing

Life for businesses and individuals has changed drastically during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are to stay alive as a company, you must adapt your marketing strategies to meet the changing interests of the public.

Make the most of digital platforms to reach a large percentage of people using the internet daily for long hours, and keep in mind how priorities have changed.

When you remember that everyone is in this together, your marketing message will ring true. This is what people want now.