We all make choices every day based on outside persuasion. The degree of power external stimuli exert over you depends upon how much you trust and respect those exterior sources.

Digital marketers recognize and capitalize on this relational situation to sell goods and publicize special occasions.

Many retailers now use influencers as part of their digital promotional strategies. There are many ways you can leverage influencers’ power over public opinion to benefit your brand, including raising awareness of scheduled happenings.

Here are ways influencer marketing can boost event attendance.

Meet Goals by Connecting to the Right People

Successful event marketing is based on reaching your target audience. Influencers are a huge help in this area.

They can raise your brand awareness through original content creation and sponsored posts. For this approach to work well, however, you need first to define your goals concerning event promotion.

  • Do you want more brand awareness?
  • Do you want more bodies in attendance?
  • Are you looking for an influencer who provides a valuable service such as teaching your target audience something?
  • Do you want an influencer who is adept at selling?

Skillful brand mentions from trusted influencers create a pre-event buzz that many in your target demographic will find difficult to resist.

Once you pinpoint what you want to get out of an event strategy, base the type of persuasion you use for your target audience on your goals.

You can work with influencers to develop a focused promotional campaign. Meeting goals through proper audience engagement is the foundation of effective content marketing.

Get the Best ROI

Another important consideration is the type of influencer with whom you want to work.

  • Mega influencers are celebrities who have at least 1 million subscribers or followers on at least one social media channel. Any brand mentions from these people can gain you planetary notice, but they generally do not have personalized relationships with their followers.
  • Macro-influencers have 100,000 to 1 million followers, and often their audience is more engaged than are those following celebrities. They can help you reach a specific demographic and still deliver broad exposure. Keep in mind that these people work with agents in many cases, which can mean higher working rates.
  • Micro-influencers have follower populations ranging from 10,000 to 100,000. They are generally considered to be experts in a specific niche or industry, and their followers are often highly engaged. Therefore, if your services or products fit well with their message and corresponding follower interests, you can see a good ROI if you are looking to actively boost sales.

Each type of influencer brings specific results. Once you pinpoint your goals, you can choose your influencers based upon what you hope to achieve for your event and your brand.

Generate Public Excitement

A great way to create brand engagement and boost event attendance is to allow well-chosen influencers to run your social media accounts for special promotions.

For this content marketing strategy to work well, you need to trust your influencers and their ability to create relatable, quality material.

When well-executed, account takeovers can be exciting for the public and generate anticipation for your upcoming event.

Directly Boost Attendance Figures

Influencers with engaged audiences can urge their followers to attend, possibly by promising to come to your event themselves.

This sort of direct persuasion has an explicit effect on the number of people who show up when the doors open.

Even if people initially show up simply to meet their favorite influencer, you can have a plan in place to hook their attention and keep them interested in your brand.

This strategy is especially effective when your brand melds seamlessly with an influencers’ expertise and audience passions.

Promote Solutions

Influencers are an important factor in getting the word out to your target audience that your products or services offer solutions to their everyday problems.

They can provide product demonstrations at your event and describe how your brand has made their lives easier.

Raising the Roof

Strategies for event promotion have evolved into something more personal. The rise of influencers means you can take your message directly to your target audience, once you figure out who comprises it and what your goals are.

Influencers can effectively help you promote special events and create the kind of personalized excitement static ads cannot raise. In modern marketing, getting personal is a good thing.